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Ferrous Fumarate

Ferrous Fumarate

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Ferrous Fumarate
Physical properties : Formula C4H2FeO4 Grades Food, Pharma CAS No 141-01-5 Specification : Product Name Ferrous Fumarate...
Physical properties :
GradesFood, Pharma
CAS No141-01-5

Specification :
Product NameFerrous Fumarate
Molecular Weight:169.9013 g/mol
CAS No.141-01-5
HS Code29171940
AppearanceReddish-Orange to red-brown, Odorless powder.
AssayNot less than 97.0 % and not more than 101.0 %
Loss on DryingNot more than 1.5 %, Dry at 105° for 16hrs
SulfateNot more than 0.2 %
Mesh SizeMinimum 99.0 % passes through 150 Mesh
Packing25 kgs bag
Shelf Life3 years

Product NameFerrous Fumarate
Molecular Weight:169.9013 g/mol
CAS No.141-01-5
HS Code29171940
AppearanceReddish-Orange to red-brown, Odorless powder.
Loss on DryingMax 1.0%
SulfateMax 0.20 %
ArsenicMax 1.5 PPM
Packing25 kgs bag
Shelf Life3 years

Application :
  • Ferrous fumarate is often taken orally as an iron supplement to treat or prevent iron deficiency anemia.
  • Mixtures of ferrous fumarate and potassium iodate, "double fortified salt", are used to address both iron and iodine deficiencies.

Packing :
  • 25 kgs bag
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